Saturday, April 13, 2024

Prayer For Cat Horse- we hardly got to know you

So sorry again about Cat  . Doesn't seem right  bUT I guess we have no control. These are times when I'm glad I have a good church to go to , which I will go to today
Prayer for Cat

In this moment of loss, we offer our gratitude for the time we were blessed to share with this majestic creature.

We pray for [Cat] to find a peaceful and eternal resting place, where the pastures are forever green and the sun forever warms their back. May [Cat] roam freely in fields of endless beauty and serenity, where pain and suffering have no place.

Grant [Horse’s name] the gift of running with the wind, their spirit forever unburdened, and their soul forever unbroken. May [Horse’s name] find the company of kindred souls who have gone before them. And together, may they find joy in the vast expanse of the afterlife.

As we release [Cat] from the confines of this world, may their spirit find solace. And may their memory bring us comfort and a smile amidst the tears. May the bond we shared with [Horse’s name] endure beyond this life, a connection that time and distance cannot sever.

We entrust [Cat] to your care, dear Universe, knowing that in your vast and mysterious wisdom, you will grant [Horse’s name] a place of eternal happiness, where pain and suffering are no more.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Carla horse groundworklab 3-24-24 NOTES

Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES
Smooth , no pulling
Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope


Head Down exercize
--Don't pull down,
Rock neck gently and reward when head comes down .

Backing up horse and turning
Can push lightly but mostly body language and get then familiar,  associate with  Word, e.g. 'back'

-Allow lots of breaks, important for horses to digest info, reward alomg the way in beginning

How to tell comfortable, happy horse= blinking,chewing and yawning are good

-Give them room and space.

-Unlike people , horses don't need to touch,i.e
Quiet connection.  Feel the stillness.

Labyrinth walk and stop and repeat
Taking time important

Rewarding 5 ways, not just food

Diff ways ie
1) breaks and 2) treat after successful  things after ending sessions
3)Using voice as a reward- plus wav e of joy.
Let horse feel our happiness.
A fun experience.
4) scratching neck and withers or whever they're itching.
5)Food reward tricky for major deals
-we're Not as a treat dispenser

Good with clicker trsining
Food as a ritual , e g  adter put on halter or after take off

Make them earning something later
Treat, Feed low when head down notbup
-important tobkeep head down

Reverse  grazing ritual -reward after minimal , stop grazing, e.g. after stop eating grass so they associate

Do not pull


Don't take for granted, ie opening gates closing where one can get hurt as Carla did

Baby steps

Monday, March 25, 2024

Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES

Smooth , no Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES
Smooth , no pulling
Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope

Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES

Smooth , no pulling

Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope

Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES

Smooth , no pulling

Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope


Head Down exercize

--Don't pull down, 

Rock neck gently and reward when head comes down .

Backing up horse and turning

Can push lightly but mostly body language and get then familiar,  associate with  Word, e.g. 'back'


-Allow lots of breaks, important for horses to digest info, reward alomg the way in beginning

How to tell comfortable, happy horse= blinking,chewing and yawning are good 

-Give them room and space.

-Unlike people , horses don't need to touch,i.e 

Quiet connection.  Feel the stillness.

Labyrinth walk and stop and repeat

Taking time important

Rewarding 5 ways, not just food 

Diff ways ie

1) breaks and 2) treat after successful  things after ending sessions

3)Using voice as a reward- plus wav e of joy.

Let horse feel our happiness.

A fun experience. 

4) scratching neck and withers or whever they're itching.

5)Food reward tricky for major deals

-we're Not as a treat dispenser

Good with clicker trsining

Food as a ritual , e g  adter put on halter or after take off

Make them earning something later

Treat, Feed low when head down notbup

-important tobkeep head down

Reverse  grazing ritual -reward after minimal , stop grazing, e.g. after stop eating grass so they associate

Do not pull


Don't take for granted, ie opening gates closing where one can 

Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES

Smooth , no pulling

Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope


Head Down exercize

--Don't pull down,

Rock neck gently and reward when head comes down .

Backing up horse and turning

Can push lightly but mostly body language and get then familiar,  associate with  Word, e.g. 'back'


-Allow lots of breaks, important for horses to digest info, reward alomg the way in beginning

How to tell comfortable, happy horse= blinking,chewing and yawning are good

-Give them room and space.

-Unlike people , horses don't need to touch,i.e

Quiet connection.  Feel the stillness.

Labyrinth walk and stop and repeat

Taking time important

Rewarding 5 ways, not just food

Diff ways ie

1) breaks and 2) treat after successful  things after ending sessions

3)Using voice as a reward- plus wav e of joy.

Let horse feel our happiness.

A fun experience.

4) scratching neck and withers or whever they're itching.

5)Food reward tricky for major deals

-we're Not as a treat dispenser

Good with clicker trsining

Food as a ritual , e g  adter put on halter or after take off

Make them earning something later

Treat, Feed low when head down notbup

-important tobkeep head down

Reverse  grazing ritual -reward after minimal , stop grazing, e.g. after stop eating grass so they associate

Do not pull


Don't take for granted, ie opening gates closing where one can get hurt as Carla did

Baby steps

Trailer loading most difficult ground activity

Think ahead and bring horse in a straight line consistently, slowly. Van take  3 hours 1st time. Wait for horse to check out trailsr. Head down if diffulocult before advancing. Give time and give rreward with food for adv ances. 

Labyrinth exercize

And tarps on Carla horse lab 3-24-24 NOTES

Smooth , no pulling

Don't want horses TO feel constricted- loose rope




Head Down exercize

--Don't pull down,

Rock neck gently and reward when head comes down .


Backing up horse and turning

Can push lightly but mostly body language and get then familiar,  associate with  Word, e.g. 'back'



-Allow lots of breaks, important for horses to digest info, reward alomg the way in beginning


How to tell comfortable, happy horse= blinking,chewing and yawning are good


-Give them room and space.


-Unlike people , horses don't need to touch,i.e

Quiet connection.  Feel the stillness.


Labyrinth walk and stop and repeat

Taking time important



Rewarding 5 ways, not just food


Diff ways ie

1) breaks and 2) treat after successful  things after ending sessions

3)Using voice as a reward- plus wav e of joy.

Let horse feel our happiness.

A fun experience.

4) scratching neck and withers or whever they're itching.

5)Food reward tricky for major deals

-we're Not as a treat dispenser


Good with clicker trsining

Food as a ritual , e g  adter put on halter or after take off


Make them earning something later

Treat, Feed low when head down notbup

-important tobkeep head down


Reverse  grazing ritual -reward after minimal , stop grazing, e.g. after stop eating grass so they associate


Do not pull




Don't take for granted, ie opening gates closing where one can get hurt as Carla did


Baby steps



Trailer loading most difficult ground activity

Think ahead and bring horse in a straight line consistently, slowly. Van take  3 hours 1st time. Wait for horse to check out trailsr. Head down if diffulocult before advancing. Give time and give rreward with food for adv ances. 

Labyrinth exercize


And tarps on ground excercize




**2.5 day clinic April 25

Fri-sun $425-$50 discount



Monday, February 5, 2024

Cat News Firsts- Archie in Spotlight (sunlight), Pinky Gets Initial 'miracle' B12 dose

No sunlight in Archie's previous owner's condo where Archie lived for years . Archie seemed delighted to have real sunlight on Him for perhaps the first time in years(and lots of birds in big Cat TV) this morning as we switched rooms wirh Oreo for 15  minutes and Oreo got to revisit his old room which he seemed to enjoy  again with new toys
- Plus Energy and stamina

Hopefully , the B12 will spark Pinky to want to do more as before new cats arrived. Not thst she's doing badly but I'd like to see her move about the house.more , as before, and perhaps even interact with the other cats, if it happens. If not, at least we tried. May try smilar 'room switch' with oreo if Pinky seems more up to it